Conclusion Pharyngeal fistula after surgery of larynx and lower pharynx cancer is one of the serious complications. 目的探讨喉癌、下咽癌手术后并发咽瘘的治疗和预防措施。
Objective: To explore the possibility of the mattress suture to avoid pharyngeal fistula. 目的:探讨皮瓣打钉术预防咽瘘的价值。
Management and prevention of pharyngeal fistula after surgery for larynx and lower pharynx cancer Survival and prognostic analysis of 221 patients with advanced laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma treated by surgery 喉癌及下咽癌手术后咽瘘的治疗及预防221例晚期喉鳞癌患者术后的生存和预后分析
Methods Use pectoralis major muscle flap combined with intermediate split thickness skin graft to reconstruct giant cervical pharyngeal fistula caused by malignant tumor surgical treatment and radiotherapy. 方法对因头颈部恶性肿瘤术后与放疗后形成颈部的咽瘘,应用胸大肌肌皮瓣与中厚皮片联合修复咽食管黏膜及颈部皮肤缺损。
Results Among this group of cases, 17 were treated without any complications, 3 were complicated with wound infection ( 2 of them resulting a pharyngeal fistula at last), 1 with hypoglycemic coma. 结果17例未出现任何并发症,3例切口感染,其中咽瘘形成2例,1例合并低血糖昏迷和电解质紊乱;
Effect on prevention of pharyngeal fistula formation for patients after total laryngectomy by gastrointestinal decompression and parenteral nutrition 全喉切除术后早期胃肠减压和肠外营养对预防咽瘘的作用
The causes for pharyngeal fistula after total laryngectomy 喉癌全喉切除术后咽瘘的原因分析
Reconstruction of cervical pharyngeal fistula by combined both pectoralis major muscle flap and intermediate split thickness skin graft 胸大肌肌皮瓣与中厚皮片修复颈部咽瘘
Pharyngeal fistula in the repair of hypopharynx and cervical esophagus with residual laryngotracheal flap 残喉气管瓣修补下咽食道术后咽瘘
The complication rate of pharyngeal fistula and pneumatothorax was 12.9% and 9.7%, respectively. 31例中,咽瘘发生率为12.9%,气胸发生率为9.7%。
Experience on Treatment of 13 Case of Pharyngeal Fistula 咽瘘13例治疗体会
Discussion on the causes of pharyngeal fistula after laryngocarcinoma operation 喉癌术后咽瘘原因探讨
The effective rate was affected obviously by neck infection and pharyngeal fistula formation. 气管瘘口、气管食管分流口感染和咽瘘是影响发音重建成功的重要因素。
Objective To discuss the causes of pharyngeal fistula after laryngocarcinoma operation. 目的探讨喉癌术后咽瘘发生的原因。
Objective To explore the method that use combined pectoralis major muscle flap and intermediate split thickness skin graft to reconstruct giant cervical pharyngeal fistula. 目的探索以胸大肌肌皮瓣及中厚皮片联合修复颈部咽瘘的方法。
Our experience confirmed that most fistulae can be successfully managed with conservative treatment and surgical direct closure. A small number of the patients with pharyngeal fistula needed myocutaneous flap repair. 大部分患者的咽瘘通过保守换药治疗,必要时局部直接清创缝合的方法可以达到治愈的效果,少部分患者需行肌皮瓣移植修复术。
Two cases was discovered to suffer with topical infection and pharyngeal fistula in ten days, and relieved in two to four weeks. 2例患者于术后10d内发现局部感染和咽瘘,咽经局部换药2-4周内愈合。